Supervisors: Prof. H. Knuutila, Dr. V. Buvik
Project Description:
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities, and the development and implementation of technologies for CO2 emission reduction is of great importance. Of the various methods to separate CO2 from industrial gases, absorption-based CO2 capture using aqueous alkanolamine solutions has reached the commercial stage.
One of the remaining challenges is solvent degradation and equipment corrosion. By definition, degradation is the irreversible transformation of an absorbent solution into other compounds. These byproducts can cause problems like equipment corrosion, amine loss, fouling, foaming and reduction of CO2 absorption capacity. Also, some of the degradation products can be toxic. Corrosion and degradation are closely tied since some of the degradation compounds formed are corrosive agents causing equipment corrosion in the absorption plant, which leads to additional costs. Furthermore, corrosion often increases degradation as dissolved metals can enhance degradation reactions. Over time, corrosion can cause unscheduled downtime, reduce process efficiency and solvent and equipment life.
This PhD work focuses on improving the understanding of parameters affecting corrosion and degradation of different solvent systems by addressing two topics:
1) Although significant progress has been made in understanding degradation and corrosion in CO2 Capture Plants, further theoretical and experimental research must be done. This work addresses this by investigating the corrosion rates and degradation mechanisms of different amines and the effect of process parameters on degradation and corrosion.
2) Additives could be used to inhibit degradation and corrosion in absorption-based post-combustion capture plants. As degradation and corrosion are closely tied, additives should inhibit both degradation and corrosion. More detailed insights into degradation and corrosion allow the development of mitigation technologies, like inhibitors. This work will test different non-toxic corrosion and degradation inhibitors at process-relevant conditions using different solvents to gain insight into the opportunities and challenges.
Supervisors: Dr. P. Fosbøl, Dr. R. Neerup
Project Description:
Solvent based CO2 capture has shown to be scalable for removal of million tons of CO2 per year from large industries. Control of the capture plant requires deep knowledge of solvent health, to understand if the right amount of makeup and water balance is maintained.
Impurities coming from the upstream industrial processes accumulate in the scrubber and over time these components build up in the solvent. The consequence is a reduced solvent performance.
The aim of this work is to develop a device which would allow for online collection of corrosion from CO2, impurities, heat stable salts and other components. This could be an inline electrochemical unit combined with infrared measurements or a sample system allowing for regular information collection. The systems would require input of big-data and automatic analysis of spectra to know the content of impurities, solvents, etc.
New solvents often consist of more than one amine. When two or more amines are used it becomes very difficult to control the content of the solvent. A unit developed in this work will allow for detailed solvent management.
The unit will be tested in connection to ongoing pilot work being performed at DTU which includes mixed solvent.
Supervisors: Prof. B. Normand, Prof. F. Ropital, Dr. S. Marcelin, Dr. B. Ter-Ovanessian
Project Description:
MISSION-CCS will consider the relationship between capture plant corrosion and solvent degradation when both processes occur concomitantly in the same system in the presence of impurities. Such work will be supported through controlled studies into both solvent degradation and corrosion to identify degradation pathways and corrosion rates/mechanisms, respectively.
This project will explore in-situ electrochemical methods for corrosion measurement (e.g. electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and electrical resistance). A range of ex-situ analyses (e.g. nano-tomography, x-ray diffraction, focused ion beam, mercury intrusion porosimetry) will be explored in order to characterise the corrosion products and their structure. The project will involve corrosion experiments in controlled, systematically degraded amine solvents (liaising with DCR1) to achieve a fundamental understanding of corrosion product formation to link degraded solvent chemistry to corrosion behaviour. The project will explore the novel concept of how the solvent chemistry can be chemically ‘tuned’ to support the formation of protective corrosion products, thus providing a unique method of preservation of capture infrastructure. These strategies will be validated/optimised at Pilot Scale.
Supervisors: Dr. P. Fosbøl, Dr. R. Neerup
Project Description:
During the CO2 capture and production of pure CO2, small impurities will be carried into the transportation system and it will pose a safety and lifetime estimation risk to the system.
The impurities are very corrosive and they originate from the gas treatment system. This could be water content, amine impurities, nitrosamines, residual gas content like NOx, SOx, CO, NH3 and similar types of traces. To some extent these components will tend to react and produce even more corrosive components.
Typically, CO2 is compressed to its supercritical phase above 70 bar and often to 120 bar. This is performed for an efficient transport via pipelines. Shipping CO2 is performed at sub-zero temperatures and pressures of 7-15 bar.
There is a need to expand the knowledge of impurities during transportation of compressed and liquefied CO2 under the impact of relevant impurities. The investigations must take into account consideration of corrosion and lifetime estimation to qualify the materials used for the transportation of CO2. Experiments will be conducted which considers corrosion, hydrate formation, and high pressure under relevant levels of temperature and impurities.
The investigation will outline to which extent impurities can be allowed in the CO2 infrastructure.
Supervisors: Prof. B. Normand, Prof. F. Ropital, Prof. R. Barker, Dr. J. Owen, Prof. H. Thompson
Project Description:
Pipeline transportation and injection are critical components linking capture to storage. Researchers have suggested that achieving the targeted deep reductions in CO2 emissions would require an extensive pipeline network from carbon steel. CO2 pipelines must be constructed and designed optimally, so they are reliable and safe to operate. Carbon steel is, however, susceptible to corrosion in flue gas environments because of the presence of H2O, O2, SOx, H2S, NOx and other impurities.
This project will evaluate suitable techniques for the laboratory assessment of corrosion, spanning transport and injection environments, mainly considering in-situ and real time electrochemical techniques, as well as ex-situ analytical techniques (microscopy, diffraction, spectroscopy). Such methods will enable the degradation mechanisms (general/localised) to be further understood and identify the dominant impurities responsible for degradation in each impure CO2 stream composition evaluated. In collaboration with DCRs 4 and 6, DCR5 will develop robust corrosion testing protocols and define operating conditions to ensure consistency amongst all researchers working in transportation and injection and storage (e.g. stream composition). This project will develop a reactor capable of maintaining impure CO2 stream composition for prolonged periods, as well as generating hydrodynamic conditions translatable to pipeline transportation.
Supervisors: Prof. B. Normand, Prof. F. Ropital, Dr. S. Marcelin, Dr. B. Ter-Ovanessian
Project Description:
DCR 6 will evaluate the performance of newly developed CRAs in transportation and injection environments and determine their tolerance to impurities (material provision from ALLEIMA and selection processes/insight from OGCE). Performance will be contrasted with the application of corrosion inhibitors specifically targeted for carbon steel in dense phase CO2 environments (input from BAKER). Large-scale validation will be performed at TOTALENERGIES.
Task 6.1 Identify techniques and methodologies suitable for the testing and characterisation of carbon steel and CRA material performance in supercritical CO2 environments. Investigation on electrochemical methods will be emphasized.
Task 6.2 Develop test methodologies for inhibitor evaluation in dense phase and aqueous supercritical CO2 environments. The methodologies will be based on mass loss, electrical resistance and electrochemical measurements.
Task 6.3 Utilise electrochemical techniques to understand CRA passive film stability and material performance in aqueous downhole environment.
Task 6.4 Evaluation of inhibitors efficiency and classification of adsorption kinetics.
Task 6.5 Generate performance maps and material/inhibitor selection guidelines for dense phase transport/injection
Supervisors: Dr. W. Yan, Dr. N. Bovet
Project Description:
The project is intended to better understand and describe the interactions between injected impure CO2 and reservoir rock mainly at the injection interface. It will investigate the long-term effects of impure CO2 injection on the formation integrity through core flood or batch reaction tests. Ex-situ analysis of core samples (tomography, microscopy, etc.) will be used before and after the tests to inspect the change in core samples after long-time fluid-rock interaction. The geochemical effects caused by impure CO2, especially SOx, NOx, and amine carry-over, will be detected by analysing the effluent.
Bespoke reactive-transport modelling will be used to interpret the core flood or batch reaction results, and reservoir simulation coupled with geochemical reactions will be used to provide scaled-up analysis for the near-wellbore region. The expected results include core flood tests for long-time impure CO2 injection, detailed analysis of the effects of SOx, NOx, amine carry-over on reservoir core in terms of geochemical reactions and surface effects, and finally, reactive-transport modelling of the interactions between impure CO2 and reservoir rock under multiphase flow at the core plug scale and the near wellbore scale.
Supervisors: Prof. Dag W. Breiby, Dr. Basab Chattopadhyay, Prof. R. Barker, Prof. S. Piazolo; Prof. Q. Fisher
Project Description:
This Ph.D. project will investigate the structural degradation and the corresponding mechanical response of the sealing caprocks of CCS reservoirs in response to CO2 exposure under realistic subsea conditions of high pressure and elevated temperature. Using state-of-the-art microscopy and X-ray computed tomography (CT) methods, the long-term structural and mechanical effects of CO2 in its liquid or supercritical phase on rocks will be investigated. Such studies require resolution in space and time (“4D CT”), which is experimentally challenging. Sufficient contrast will be achieved using different imaging methods, including phase contrast, diffraction, and isotopic contrast (for neutrons). An aim is to model the multiscale CO2 permeability of the rocks as a function of exposure time, which we aim to do using big data techniques and machine learning in collaboration with the MISSION-CCS project partners. The project will involve significant experimental efforts using both home laboratory and large-scale facilities (neutron and/or synchrotron sources), and data analysis including computer modelling of coupled thermodynamical and physicochemical processes. Recognizing that many Ph.D. candidates proceed with an industrial career, the project incorporates weekly collaboration with Equinor. Secondment to the University of Leeds is an important integral part of the Ph.D. project, adding to the academic scope and the social experience.
Project Description:
Cement and steel are important also for CCS, notably in the transport system bringing the CO2 into the reservoirs and closing off the wellbore. It is crucial that the cement-rock and cement-steel interfaces near the steel pipe remain stable against corrosion when exposed to the CO2 stream. This Ph.D. project will use time-resolved X-ray computed tomography (CT) and complementary techniques, including electrochemistry and machine learning, to monitor the interfacial chemical reactions induced by brine/CO2 under realistic reservoir conditions. Imaging contrast will be achieved using phase contrast, diffraction, and isotopic contrast (for neutrons). An aim is to model the multiscale CO2 induced degradation of cement and steel as a function of exposure time, which we aim to do using big data techniques and machine learning to model the sealed borehole in close collaboration with the Mission-CCS project partners. The project will involve significant experimental efforts using both home laboratory and large-scale facilities (neutron and/or synchrotron sources), and data analysis including computer modelling of coupled thermodynamical and physicochemical processes. Recognizing that many Ph.D. candidates proceed with an industrial career, the project incorporates close collaboration with industry partners. Secondments to Equinor, Schlumberger and the University of Leeds are an important integral part of the project, adding to the academic scope and the social experience.
Supervisors: Prof. B. Normand, Prof. F. Ropital, Prof. T. Cockerill, Dr. R. Barker
Project Description:
This PhD project will examine how trade-offs arising from contaminant clean-up/removal at different stages in a carbon capture and storage system influence the associated techno-economic performance and lifecycle carbon emissions. Our ultimate objective is to devise contaminant clean-up strategies that will facilitate the effective large-scale deployment of carbon capture and storage systems in the future. In the first phase of the project, the researcher will develop novel techno-economic and life cycle assessment (TEA/LCA) models for several prototypical CCS plant suitable for future deployment in Europe. In the second phase, results from other MISSION-CCS work packages (i.e. contaminant impacts, solvent degradation, corrosion and reservoir degradation) will be integrated, and used to evaluate the whole system effects of different contaminant amelioration strategies.
The project will involve working in close collaboration with most of the MISSION-CCS team, giving the successful doctoral candidate an excellent opportunity to develop cross-disciplinary engineering modelling and simulation skills. Although based at INSA-LYON in France, the doctoral candidate will spend extensive periods at the University of Leeds, UK working with a group that specialises in using TEA/LCA models to optimise novel energy systems. Visits to other MISSION-CCS Partners will be required to gather data for the second phase of the work.
Supervisors: Prof. R. Barker, Dr. J. Owen, Prof. S. Piazolo
Project Description:
To facilitate the safe storage of supercritical CO2 in boreholes, it is crucial that the casing material (cement and steel) maintains structural integrity over geological times. To this aim, this PhD project aims to mechanistically understand processes at the cement-steel interface in realistic conditions that might prevail during the planned lifetime of such a borehole. With the help of electrochemical measurements performed in autoclave and glovebox environments for steel embedded in different cement types, coupled with advanced synchrotron and lab-based characterisation techniques such as, micro and nano-X-ray computed tomography, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, TEM, SEM, the corrosion of steel and its influence on the surrounding cement will be studied. The project will also investigate the capture of supercritical CO2 within the surrounding cement matrix using XRD, TGA, and SEM, to simulate events of leakage, and develop an understanding on how we can tailor the cement chemistry to optimise carbon capture and self-healing. Coupling experimental techniques with thermodynamic and kinetic modelling of different processes will allow the student to gain significant interdisciplinary skills relevant for industrial and academic positions in the future. This project is in close collaboration with industrial and academic partners within the MISSION-CCS project.
Supervisors: Prof. R. Barker, Dr. J. Owen
Project Description:
Additive manufacturing techniques are employed to fabricate components with notable cost, lead time, and environmental benefits for the industry. The use of corrosion resistant alloys (CRAs) is necessary in CCS infrastructure, however, their long-term application may be limited due to the presence of impurities and potential for corrosion. One of the key advantages of additive manufacturing is the ability to repair damaged or worn components, extending their life at significantly reduced cost compared to a full replacement.
Despite the unique advantages of additive manufacturing, understanding the corrosion behaviour of these components is essential for broader adoption of the techniques. This interdisciplinary PhD project aims to establish a comprehensive understanding of the corrosion behaviour of additively manufactured metals in aqueous environments containing CO2, typical of CCS infrastructure. To date, there is limited understanding of how additively manufactured CRAs (stainless steels and nickel-based alloys) perform under the aggressive conditions of CCS applications. Furthermore, there are no studies that explore the effect of impurities on additively manufactured CRAs, which this study will address. By performing studies under conditions representative of CCS facilities, the feasibility of utilising additively manufactured metals for these applications will be assessed.
Supervisors: Prof. T. Cockerill, Dr. R. Barker, Prof. H. Thompson
Project Description:
While CCS offers excellent potential for reducing direct carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere, it involves multiple sub-processes dependent on solvents and other chemicals which have negative environmental effects, impacting a range of indicators including global warming, acidification, eutrophication, photochemical oxidation and human toxicity. This project will use lifecycle analysis (LCA) and optimisation techniques to investigate how the negative effects of CCS can be minimised without overly impacting on costs or efficiency.
The first phase of the work will use established LCA and Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA) techniques to develop parameterised models of the efficiency, cost-effectiveness and sustainability of using candidate chemical components within key sub-systems along the CCS process chain. In a second phase, the project will develop and implement a multi-objective optimisation framework that enables competing commercial, performance and sustainability trade-offs to be analysed. The final phase of the project will draw on the previous outputs to identify optimal process and chemical choices.
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